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Fred & Linda are from Shanghai, China. They travel all the way from China to Malaysia for this pre-wedding video.As time goes by , many couples may forget how much romance is the moment when fall in love and how sweet is the moment when marriage first starts. Therefore, the purpose of making this video is not just sharing with their guests during their wedding reception but also the reminder of their love after they get married.
Fred & Linda 来自上海,中国。他们从中国远到而来是为了拍摄他们婚礼前的视频。随着时间的流逝,许多夫妻都忘了在当初相爱时的浪漫回忆,和婚姻第一次启动时的甜蜜感觉。因此,制作这个视频的目的不只是在他们的婚宴里分享给宾客们,而且还提醒他们结婚后,勿忘他们的爱情。
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